快速制定颜色风格面板 Retouching Panel V2.10 for CC 2014, CC & CS6
When reviewed against it’s competitors, This addon is definitely better with photo quality and additional retouching features.
– Skin Cleaning: With this kit, you can mattify the shiny areas of your skin without losing texture, lessen freckles and any other blemishes and soften the texture.
– Make-Up: In addition to making your eyes and mouth pop, you can apply shimmery blush, powder, eye shadow, mascara and whiten your teeth.
When reviewed against it’s competitors, This addon is definitely better with photo quality and additional retouching features.
– Skin Cleaning: With this kit, you can mattify the shiny areas of your skin without losing texture, lessen freckles and any other blemishes and soften the texture.
– Make-Up: In addition to making your eyes and mouth pop, you can apply shimmery blush, powder, eye shadow, mascara and whiten your teeth.
– 彩色滤光片:”90’s, Alisha, Blutiful, Cream, Indian, September Purple Shadow, Viana” these are the names used in our color filters.
– 黑与白的过滤器: “Monochrome, Sephia, Tmax 400, Neopan 400, Expired Film, Ilford Xp2″ are the black’n white filters.
– 黑白滤镜:”Crown, Firefly, Fox, Hoodie, Greeny, Ponk” are the colored filter names.
– 彩色滤光片:”90’s, Alisha, Blutiful, Cream, Indian, September Purple Shadow, Viana” these are the names used in our color filters.
– 黑与白的过滤器: “Monochrome, Sephia, Tmax 400, Neopan 400, Expired Film, Ilford Xp2″ are the black’n white filters.
– 黑白滤镜:”Crown, Firefly, Fox, Hoodie, Greeny, Ponk” are the colored filter names.
Color filters used in retouching panel are all customizable, and this is one of the most important features of our panel.
– Opacity: With only chancing the opacity level of a layer or a full group, you can change the effect result on your processed photo.
– Self-documented Layers: Every layer group is named properly with the effect. For example warmer group will warm the photo and ‘haze’ group will add haze.
– Layer Appearance:Is there an effect that you don’t like? For example if you don’t want the ‘Flare’ layer that adds sun-light effect, you can turn it off.
– Ability to change the settings: You can change the opacity of an effect that you don’t like by bringing down or totally disable it with changing the visibility.
Color filters used in retouching panel are all customizable, and this is one of the most important features of our panel.
– Opacity: With only chancing the opacity level of a layer or a full group, you can change the effect result on your processed photo.
– Self-documented Layers: Every layer group is named properly with the effect. For example warmer group will warm the photo and ‘haze’ group will add haze.
– Layer Appearance:Is there an effect that you don’t like? For example if you don’t want the ‘Flare’ layer that adds sun-light effect, you can turn it off.
– Ability to change the settings: You can change the opacity of an effect that you don’t like by bringing down or totally disable it with changing the visibility.
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